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assignment 2: composition

Target: Learn to consider and utilize different compositional tools in your photography.


Directions:  First, make a booklet containing examples from magazines,  of the 6 compositional tools below.  

You may work as teams or individually. Once you have completed your booklet, and turned in your receipt and

permission slip, then you can begin shooting for the project.


Take 10 photos that demonstrate your understanding of the 5 different compositional tools described below:  

  1. rule of thirds​

  2. leading lines

  3. framing

  4. simplify the scene

  5. balance (symmetrical or asymmetrical)


Extension: point of view 


  • consider every aspect of the image, everything that makes it into the field of view in the foreground, middleground, and background 

  • focus on creativity (try unusual combinations, tell a story, solve problems, create something unique

  • You can use a prop (toy, stuffed animal, etc.) or common theme for one set and/or be open ended in your approach. 

  • incorporate more into your shooting and editing

    • use different types of light

    • set your shutter speed or aperture

    • convert to black and white

    • crop/perspective crop/rotate


Lightroom Editing Skills

For each image apply these three steps in Lightroom for Mobile:

  1. Crop purposefully using the rule of thirds & carefully level your image at the 8.5x11 ratio, landscape or portrait style.

  2. Adjust the sliders under the light category in edit mode to get the best possible image from the photo you originally captured.

  3. Save your image to your google drive if you are still editing.

  4. Save to your Smugmug gallery if you have finished editing, and it is your best work.





(make sure you understand these steps, ask for help, we will do this for every project)


The rule of thirds refers to a simple principle that will help you take well-balanced and interesting shots. 

Imagine a a tic-tac-toe grid placed over your photo, and place key elements on our near the intersections.

Studies have shown that when viewing an image, people's eyes usually go the intersection points most

naturally, rather than the center of the image.

Leading lines  refers to the concept that using objects or strong visual lines can draw the viewer into, around, or through the photo, and perhaps to the center of interest.

Framing uses an element in the photo that surrounds, brings attention to, or frames the center of interest.  It can bring depth to the image.

Simplify the Scene remove distracting elements, focus on the subject, crop/zoom in and fill the frame


Balance (symmetrical) balance opposite sides of a given point.  Symmetrical balance achieves this effect by having both sides with elements that are identical or very similar.  


Extension: Point of View is simply the position from which the camera sees the scene. take your pictures from unexpected angles, from above, from below.


  • Instagram Basic
  • Flickr App Icon
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