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assignment 8: multiple exposure - photo merge

Target: Develop your artistic eye, plus learn how to use layers and blend modes in Photoshop when you combine 2 or more photos to create a “fake” double exposure work.


In film and photography double exposure is a technique in which a piece of film is exposed twice. The resulting photographic image shows the second image superimposed over the first.The technique can be used to create ghostly images or to add people and objects to a scene that were not originally there. Using Photoshop’s editing capabilities, a “fake” double exposure can be created with your digital photographs.


Directions:  Brainstorm a plan for your image, considering what different images will be required to create it.  Shoot photos specifically for combining into a multiple-exposure image, and utilize copyright free images off the internet to enhance your ideas in ways that you won't have the opportunity to shoot yourself.  Edit meticulously in Photoshop to create a compelling artistic image which surprised the viewer in some way.  Types of Multiple-Exposure Images you can expolore are multiple exposure action shots, subject/s play multiple roles in one image, surreal or creative combinations of unusual elements.


​Turn in  1-2 images, each made by combining multiple images, which demonstratee meticulous photoshop editing and a develoment of your creative ideas and eye.


  • consider the negative space in each photo, and how it can be made more interesting by combining images

  • consider every aspect of the image, everything that makes it into the field of view in the foreground, middleground, and background 

  • focus on creativity (try unusual combinations, tell a story, solve problems, create something unique)

  • incorporate more into your shooting and editing

    • use different types of light

    • set your shutter speed or aperture

    • convert to black and white

    • use the unsharp mask

    • crop/perspective crop/rotate crop

    • part color/part black and white

    • soft focus effect (fake blurry background)

    • use adjustment layers


Sequence Photography: action is caught with a continuous shooting more, or burst mode, and then the series of images is combined in layers to better capture the movement of the subject


Multiplicity Photograph: multiple photographs of a single location from a single angle, where the subject moves and does new things are taken, and then combined to create an image where the subjects play multiple roles


Surreal/Creative: combine unusual elements in a realistic way














Adam Sheppard

Ray Dempski

Caras Ionut

photoshop skills

For every image remember to:

  • Adjust the levels - equalize the histogram (apple+L)

  • Crop to the image size to 8x10 to choose your content and composition

  • Change the image size to approximately 8x10 (apple+option+I)

  • Set the resolution to 300 dpi



crop tool: You can use the crop tool to make your composition more compelling, take out distracting content, and focus in on the subject.


color range: You can adjust the colors within your image in many ways, including using levels to adjust the image as a whole, try fading and black and white with your portraiture

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